
Customer Testimonials

Anna M. P.

Regional Manager

“Hawaiian Building Maintenance has demonstrated how they are always thinking one step ahead, especially in response to this pandemic and addressing the concerns among staff or customers. The various services they offer our…”

Marc H.

Sr. Property Manager

“Just a short note to express how pleased we are with the service provided by your staff at our center. Their conscientious and efficient performance exemplifies HBM’s excellent training program, attention to employee…”

C. “Sam” D.

Sr. Property Manager

“HBM Team have always exhibited a great level of professionalism in ensuring that the property is clean and presentable. They are hard-working, professional, courteous, and reliable. Highly recommended.”

B. K. Yano (S)

Vice President – Retail

“Customer satisfaction is at the heart of what we do in commercial property management and our relationship between our client, our tenants and our organization is, therefore, an all important one………”

Employee Testimonials

Elena V.

15 Years HBM Employment

“After over 15 years I still love my job because everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission. At HBM there is so much innovation, variety, culture, challenges, and everyone is helping others. I feel truly…”

Doug Y.

38 Years HBM Employment

“During my 38 years with HBM, I have worked at many types of facilities. Starting as an Inventory Clerk in a Class A Office Building, then working in mixed use condo/hotel, and in small niche luxury malls, and now I am…”

Victor R.

38 Years HBM Employment

“I’ve been with HBM for over 38 years now. I started out as a Part-Time employee, and now I’m a Site Manager. HBM has given me the opportunity to grow professionally. I have also met and worked alongside the most awesome…”

Fermina S.

35 Years HBM Employment

“For over 35 working for HBM, I still love my job. It helps me a lot for my needs, but I get the opportunity to have vacation, holidays and I work with good bosses and management. I truly learned a lot from them…”